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Saturday, January 29, 2011

First of Many

Why is it that everyone, and by everyone I mean, everyone but me and the people that are reading this... forget how to drive over night? I swear that drivers seem to be more inteligent in the evening compared to the drivers in the morning. As people sleep at night they completely forget how to be human, ...

(person's thought process in the morning: brake is on the right .. clutch... clutch ... there is no clutch, crap there's the brake ... it is on the left and the gas on the right. And I was correct no clutch.)

 ... In the five minutes that it takes my to get to work in the morning, I completely stop trusting people...

Like I said the return home is opposite, people remember how to drive, but they lose all compassion. Although, I understand, I have the right to let it ruin my evening. Great day at work? Yes. Great day at school? Of course. Drive home? Don't ask.